Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I advertised heavily the first few years after starting BlackRock Graphics... with absolutely no tangible success. But recently I've decided to give it another chance with posting my portfolio on www.PortalInteractive.net. It's basically the same images from my www.BlackRockGraphics.com site. The difference this time is I'm only paying for digital access (no print). I believe very strongly that the internet is the best way to be found and to find others. It's a powerful tool.


Cedricstudio said...

Hi Sherwin. Glad to see you are joining Portal. Online advertising is the way to go.

I've been with both Portal and MNCreative.com for about a year now. So far no leads from Portal, but I have had a few calls from people who saw me on MNCreative.com. So you might want to try that one too.

Chris J said...

I plan to start reading your blog. I have been struggling to launch my illustration career. I felt that maybe the web is too passive. You seem to have had the opposite experience.

I am interested in learning more

Grace and Peace,
