Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rush Hour Animation

Once we had drawn all of the comic strips for the NorthstarMLS' Rush Hour campaign, we wanted to see if an animation would drive more interest.  Click on the image below and let me know which you prefer better.

 RushHour Animation

Friday, September 19, 2014

RE Rush Hour Comics

Here's the comic strips I co-created with the great people at NorthstarMLS… to educate their clients on the dry rules of the MLS.  This is such a creative and powerful campaign for the rules and regulations department.  

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Big Ass Logo

The incredibly talented Von Glitschka asked me to offer ideas as he developed a logo system for his client, Big Ass.  BA has different product departments, so they wanted to brand each product division separately.  In the end, my logo ideas didn't make the final cut, but it was a lot of fun to work on none the less!

Final mark designed by Von Glitschka:

Friday, August 15, 2014

Target Instagram

Here's some images I helped create for Target's social media campaign promoting Back-To-School supplies on Instagram. Credits to art director Heather Bahr and photographer Sean Meszaros.

Over 2.5 days, we created 50 images… and of those 50, they chose these 10 images. Fun!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

We Do Video Too!

I'm happy to post this video we did for a new client.  Because this little startup needed to stick to a strict budget, we built this in-house.  Kudos to Nick Wanserski.

 CareNeighbor Video

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

FPO work

As you've probably seen, I do a lot of FPO (for position only) work for Target.  It's rare when I see the final work, but recently I came across this image of Heather Bahr's design.

With Heather's direction, I sketch out the images that will later be photographed.  Heather places them into her layout to get approval.  Then, the photographer uses them as a guide… but as you can see, he needs to work his magic and below is a perfect example of the process that starts with an idea and then finds its way into your circular.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

All Star Game Posters

I finally was able to walk downtown to take some pics of the huge banners Fellow created for Target.  Fellow asked me to re construct (with some adjustments) the famous Minnesota Twins mascots, Minnie and Paul.  It's pretty cool to see your work 30 feet tall.

Monday, July 7, 2014

LogoLounge 8

The latest book from LogoLounge has just arrived.  I'm happy and sad. Happy that 11 of my own marks made it in… but sad that the 11 selected are not my favorites.  Even so, this looks like another great collection that I will enjoy scouring over the next few days and weeks.

Friday, June 27, 2014

MN Monthly Cover

Minnesota Monthly asked me to design their March cover.  This was their first issue with their redesigned masthead and interior.  I had lots of fun working with Rob Johnson to get it just right.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Killed Packaging

I had the pleasure of working on a new whole grain bar packaging campaign.

First I helped explore rough ideas for 3 different naming conventions.

Really liking the bears concept, we took it further, developing a look for the Papa Bar package.

Rounds of revisions kept me busy until this was the final design….

… which got killed at the last minute. :)

The Father's House

Here's some fun logo explorations for a church in Florida named, The Father's House.  I enjoyed the visuals based on the Biblical story of the prodigal son best of all.

Macleod & Co.

Over the spring and summer, Initio3i made some big changes.  One of those changes was a new name: Macleod & Co.

The first mark below was me expanding on an idea from art director Jena Hanson.  The second was building a new version of "plaid", a derivative of the Scottish name... a brilliant idea from creative director Jennifer Kohnhorst.

Savoir-Faire: Cigars 101

Here's some imagery for a gentlemen's club called Savoir-Faire.  This event's education was on the topic of cigars… what every gentleman needs to know about selecting, smoking and enjoying a fine smoke.